#!/usr/bin/python3 -u """ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- magan : a DoH server Copyright (C) 2019 Evuraan, This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ import socket from select import select from scapy.all import * import time import threading import requests import struct import sys #import logging #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) Version = "Magan/1.2.8py" port = 53 backlog = 100 moo = {} myReq = requests.Session() myReq.headers.update({'User-Agent': Version}) # maximum entries allowed in our cache cache_max_size = 1000 class handle_dns(): def __init__(self, _payload,proto,socket): self.socket = socket self._payload = _payload self.protocol = proto.lower() self.requestor_ip = self._payload[1][0] self.requestor_port = self._payload[1][1] #print("self.requestor_ip is", self.requestor_ip) #print("self.requestor_port is", self.requestor_port) print("Request from",self._payload[1], "Protocol:", self.protocol) try: self.a = DNS(self._payload[0]) self.id = self.a.id self.output = dict() self.type = self.a[DNS].qd.qtype self.opcode = self.a.opcode self.qname = self.a[DNS].qd.qname self.qtype = self.a[DNS].qd.qtype self.qclass = self.a[DNS].qd.qclass self.key = self.qname.decode("utf-8") + "&type=" + str(self.type) self.url = "https://dns.google.com/resolve?name=" + self.key #self.url = "" + self.key self.IP = IP(dst=self.requestor_ip) print(self.url) if len ( self.key.split(".") ) <= 2: # Those single item lookups, likely a local lookup. # let .77 handle this.. self.send_refuse() return #raise NameError('HiThere') if not self.use_cache(): t = threading.Thread(target=self.get_data_from_google) t.start() except: print("Failed to parse incoming DNS data!") self.a = False return def get_dns_data(self): try: a = myReq.get(self.url, timeout=8) return a except: return False def get_data_from_google(self): #print(moo["name"] a = self.get_dns_data() if not a: self.send_SERVFAIL() return None if a.ok: self.gdata = a.json() if self.gdata['Status'] == 0: self.GOO = True else: print("Got no response!!!") self.GOO = False self.ancount = 0 self.DNS = DNS(id=self.a.id, qr=1, opcode=self.opcode, aa=0, tc=0, rd=1, ra=1, z=0, ad=0, cd=0, rcode='name-error', qdcount=1, ancount=self.ancount, nscount=0, arcount=0, qd=DNSQR(qname=self.qname, qtype=self.qtype, qclass=self.qclass), ) #send(self.IP / self.UDP / self.DNS ) #return None self.send_return() if "Answer" not in self.gdata: print("ancount is 0") self.ancount = 0 self.DNS = DNS(id=self.a.id, qr=1, opcode=self.opcode, aa=0, tc=0, rd=1, ra=1, z=0, ad=0, cd=0, rcode=0, qdcount=1, ancount=self.ancount, nscount=0, arcount=0, qd=DNSQR(qname=self.qname, qtype=self.qtype, qclass=self.qclass), ) else: self.ancount = len(self.gdata['Answer']) zero_data = self.gdata['Answer'][0] zero_type = zero_data['type'] #if zero_type == 15 or zero_type == 6: if zero_type == 6: self.soa = encode_soa(self.gdata['Answer'][0]['data']) self.ancount = 1 self.DNS = DNS(id=self.a.id, qr=1, opcode=self.opcode, aa=0, tc=0, rd=1, ra=1, z=0, ad=0, cd=0, rcode=0, qdcount=1, ancount=self.ancount, nscount=0, arcount=0, qd=DNSQR(qname=self.qname, qtype=self.qtype, qclass=self.qclass), an=DNSRR(rrname=zero_data['name'],ttl= zero_data['TTL'], type= zero_type,rdata=self.soa ), ) self.send_return() return None #rdata = '\x00\n\x0cmxb-000c6b02\x04gslb\x08pphosted\x03com\x00' _temp = sr1(IP( dst="")/UDP(dport=53)/DNS(rd=1,qd=DNSQR(qname=self.qname,qtype="MX"))) self.DNS = _temp[DNS] self.DNS.id = self.id self.send_return() #send( self.IP / self.UDP / _temp[DNS]) return None else: rdata = zero_data['data'] if zero_type == 15: shoo = rdata rdata = encode_mx_rdata(shoo.split(" ")[1], shoo.split(" ")[0] ) elif zero_type == 16: shoo = rdata.replace('"','') rdata = list() rdata.append(shoo.encode("utf-8") ) self.DNS = DNS(id=self.a.id, qr=1, opcode=self.opcode, aa=0, tc=0, rd=1, ra=1, z=0, ad=0, cd=0, rcode=0, qdcount=1, ancount=self.ancount, nscount=0, arcount=0,qd=DNSQR(qname=self.qname, qtype=self.qtype, qclass=self.qclass), an=DNSRR(rrname=zero_data['name'],ttl= zero_data['TTL'], type= zero_type,rdata=rdata ), ) if self.ancount > 1: for i in range(1, self.ancount ): this_data = self.gdata['Answer'][i] this_type = this_data['type'] if this_type == 15: #this_rdata = '\x00\n\x0cmxb-000c6b02\x04gslb\x08pphosted\x03com\x00' shoo = this_data['data'] this_rdata = encode_mx_rdata(shoo.split(" ")[1], shoo.split(" ")[0] ) self.DNS.an.add_payload(DNSRR(rrname=this_data['name'],ttl=this_data['TTL'], type=this_type, rdata=this_rdata)) elif this_type == 16: shoo = this_data['data'].replace('"','') this_rdata = list() this_rdata.append( shoo.encode("utf-8") ) self.DNS.an.add_payload(DNSRR(rrname=this_data['name'],ttl=this_data['TTL'], type=this_type, rdata=this_rdata)) elif this_type == 6: shoo = this_data['data'] this_rdata = encode_soa(shoo) self.DNS.an.add_payload(DNSRR(rrname=this_data['name'],ttl=this_data['TTL'], type=this_type, rdata=this_rdata)) else: #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() this_rdata = this_data['data'] self.DNS.an.add_payload(DNSRR(rrname=this_data['name'],ttl=this_data['TTL'], type=this_type, rdata=this_rdata)) #print('this_rdata', this_rdata) self.DNS.show() self.send_return() #send(self.IP / self.UDP / self.DNS ) #return None def send_tc(self): # note: this cannot be tcp truncate_reply = DNS(id=self.a.id, qr=1, opcode=self.opcode, aa=0, tc=1, rd=1, ra=1, z=0, ad=0, cd=0, rcode=4, qdcount=1, ancount=0, nscount=0, arcount=0, qd=DNSQR(qname=self.qname, qtype=self.qtype, qclass=self.qclass), ) try: print("Sending TC reply") self.socket.sendto(bytes(truncate_reply), self._payload[1]) except: pass return None def send_refuse(self): reply = DNS(id=self.a.id, qr=1, opcode=self.opcode, aa=0, tc=0, rd=1, ra=1, z=0, ad=0, cd=0, rcode=5, qdcount=1, ancount=0, nscount=0, arcount=0, qd=DNSQR(qname=self.qname, qtype=self.qtype, qclass=self.qclass), ) send_this = bytes(reply) if self.protocol == "tcp": two = struct.pack("!h", len(send_this) ) send_this = two + send_this try: self.socket.sendto(send_this, self._payload[1]) except: pass return None def send_SERVFAIL(self): reply = DNS(id=self.a.id, qr=1, opcode=self.opcode, aa=0, tc=0, rd=1, ra=1, z=0, ad=0, cd=0, rcode=5, qdcount=1, ancount=0, nscount=0, arcount=0, qd=DNSQR(qname=self.qname, qtype=self.qtype, qclass=self.qclass), ) send_this = bytes(reply) if self.protocol == "tcp": two = struct.pack("!h", len(send_this) ) send_this = two + send_this try: self.socket.sendto(send_this, self._payload[1]) except: pass return None def send_return(self): # save self.DNS to moo anyway: if self.key not in moo: moo[self.key] = (self.DNS, time.time() ) _size = len(self.DNS) if _size >= 512 and self.protocol == "udp": self.send_tc() elif self.protocol == "udp": try: self.socket.sendto(bytes(self.DNS), self._payload[1]) except: print("That failed!") pass elif self.protocol == "tcp": two = struct.pack("!h", len(self.DNS) ) send_this = two + bytes(self.DNS) #print("Send_this is", send_this) self.socket.sendto(send_this, self._payload[1]) if self.ancount == 0: print(" -- not caching zero ancount for", self.key) return None return None def use_cache(self): if self.key not in moo: print("No cache entry for", self.key) return False # do we have ttl in it? try: ttl = moo[self.key][0].an.ttl print("ttl is", ttl) age = int(time.time() - moo[self.key][1]) print("Cache Age:", age) print("age=", age, "moo[self.key][0].an.ttl=", moo[self.key][0].an.ttl) if ( age < moo[self.key][0].an.ttl ): print("Cache hit for", self.key) new_ttl = ttl - age print("Adjusting TTL: {ttl} to {new_ttl}".format(ttl=ttl, new_ttl=new_ttl) ) we_have = moo[self.key][0] we_have.an.ttl = new_ttl else: # Stale cache, delete key from dict print("Stale dict, cleaning key", self.key) try: del moo[self.key] except: print("Some crappy error when cleaning key") return False except: we_have = moo[self.key][0] if we_have: #print("we have!!!!!", moo) we_have.id = self.id try: # to avoid expedited cache expiry #self.socket.sendto(bytes(truncate_reply), self._payload[1]) if self.protocol == "udp": self.socket.sendto(bytes(we_have), self._payload[1]) else: two = struct.pack("!h", len(we_have) ) #send_this = bytes(we_have) + two send_this = two + bytes(we_have) #print("Send_this is", send_this) self.socket.sendto(send_this, self._payload[1]) #send(self.IP/ self.UDP / we_have) len_moo = len(moo) #print(time.ctime(),"Cache length:", len_moo ) #print("Snooping on cache data:", moo[self.key]) if len_moo >= cache_max_size: try: print( time.ctime(), "Trimming cache") moo.popitem() except: print( time.ctime(), "Failed to trim cache") return True except: return False else: return False def trim_cache(moo): threshold = 23000 if len(moo) >= threshold: print( time.ctime(), "Trimming moo") moo = {} def old_encode_mx_rdata(input, MX=10): global lengths MX = int(MX) if MX in lengths: mx_shit = "\x00" + lengths[MX] else: mx_shit = "\x00" + lengths[random.choice(list(lengths))] if not mx_shit: return False b = "" a = input.split(".") for i in a: long = lengths[len(i)] b += long + i if not b: return False return(mx_shit + b) def encode_soa(soa): SOA = soa.split(" ") MNAME = encode_label(SOA[0]).encode() RNAME = encode_label(SOA[1]).encode() SERIAL = struct.pack("!I", int(SOA[2])) REFRESH = struct.pack("!I", int(SOA[3])) RETRY = struct.pack("!I", int(SOA[4])) EXPIRE = struct.pack("!I", int(SOA[5])) MINIMUM = struct.pack("!I", int(SOA[6])) if SOA and MNAME and RNAME and SERIAL and REFRESH and RETRY and EXPIRE and MINIMUM: soa_record = MNAME + RNAME + SERIAL + REFRESH + RETRY + EXPIRE + MINIMUM return soa_record else: return False return False def encode_label(_label): b = "" for i in _label.split("."): b += struct.pack("h", len(i) ).decode().rstrip("\x00") + i if b: return(b + "\x00") else: return False def encode_mx_rdata(MXHOST, MX=10): _start = struct.pack("!h", int(MX) ).decode() b = encode_label(MXHOST) if b: return(_start + b) else: return False def read_udp(s): we_got = s.recvfrom(4096) # data,addr print(time.ctime(),"UDP",we_got) a = handle_dns(we_got,"udp",s) def read_tcp(s): client, addr = s.accept() we_got = client.recv(1024) print("We got", we_got) a = (we_got[2:], addr) b = handle_dns(a,"tcp",client) def old_read_tcp(s): client,addr = s.accept() data = client.recv(8000) print("data is", data) dns = DNS(data) dns.show() print(dns.id) print("incoming tcp DNS stuff", dns[DNS]) #a = handle_dns(data, "tcp", s) import pdb; pdb.set_trace() def show_help(): print("Usage:") print(" -h --help print this usage and exit") print(" -p --port alternate port to listen") print(" -v --version print version information and exit") if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) >= 2: for i in sys.argv: if ("help" in i) or (i == "h") or (i == "--h") or (i == "-h") or ( i == "?" ): show_help() sys.exit(0) if ("version" in i) or (i == "v") or (i == "--v") or (i == "-v"): print("Version:", Version) sys.exit(0) if ("port" in i) or (i == "p") or (i == "--p") or (i == "-p"): next = sys.argv.index(i) + 1 if len(sys.argv) > next: newport = sys.argv[next] if newport.isdigit(): print("Using",newport,"as port") port = int(newport) else: print("Invalid usage, bad port") show_help() sys.exit(1) else: print("Invalid usage") show_help() sys.exit(1) udp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) udp.bind(("", port)) tcp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) tcp.bind(("", port)) tcp.listen(backlog) print(Version, "Copyright (C) 2019 Evuraan ") print("This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.") input = [udp, tcp] while True: inputready,outputready,exceptready = select(input,[],[]) for s in inputready: if s == tcp: #print("got tcp") read_tcp(s) elif s == udp: #print("got udp!") read_udp(s) else: print("Unknown socket")